Accomodating Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico may not be at the top of everyone’s must-see list, but it certainly offers plenty to do. Most famous for its Balloon Fiesta in early October, it offers other things year-round. It is very much a desert-climate and environment and the attitude can be a bit rough around the edges. I lived in Albuquerque for a few months one year. If you’ve never thought of Albuquerque as more than a stop on your way to another destination, or the center of the show “Breaking Bad,” I am writing to let you know it is more than that.
Summers can be very hot and dry, and winters can see snow that doesn’t last very long. Sand storms can be intense at times as well. Albuquerque is about an hour south of Santa Fe on I-25. It is very unique and people can certainly be very accommodating. In fact, one time while I was visiting, I got a bloody nose in the middle of Old Town. The shop owner set me up and showed me a belief that a penny between your eyebrows, with your head back, would stop the bloody nose. She sat with me to make sure it went away. Whether or not it was the penny, I guess I can’t say, but I do know that the bloody nose didn’t last long after that. I noticed that sort of hospitality throughout the Old Town square though.
Even after I moved away I would still go visit a lot and it was different every time I was down there. I never took many photos down there though. I guess it is the only place where I didn’t play tourist, ever. I haven’t been back in several years now but I think about the things I had not done from time to time and suspect I will be back through there eventually.
Things to do in Albuquerque:
Balloon Fiesta takes place around the beginning of October every year. People from all over bring their hot air balloons and as the balloons fill the sky, it makes for a unique show. Also, food vendors set up and it becomes a festival.
Sandia Peak Tramway is an aerial tram that you can take up the mountain for spectacular views, dining, hiking, and other occasional events. The ride itself is smooth and enjoyable (even if you suffer from acrophobia like myself), and once you are at the top, the views truly are a sight to see.
Petroglyph National Monument is seventeen miles long and features around 20,000 rock carvings into volcanic rock and around 100 petroglyphs. You can hike along the trails around it. This is something that I am sorry I have not done yet but I would like to do on my next stopover.
Old Town is full of shops with local art and flare, as well as items from around the world, delicious food, as well as being full of history. It was founded in 1706 and is home to San Felipe de Neri Church which was built in 1793. Old Town has maintained much of the look from when it was first founded. It is designed with Pueblo-Spanish-style architecture.
There are certainly plenty of photo ops around the city to take advantage of. There is lots of good food around the city. Museums and an aquarium make the city complete. Albuquerque is pretty large but is pretty easily accessible to anywhere you need to get to.
Packing List: Depending on the time of year, jackets are advised, Type A or B power adapters, Bandana for your face is advised if you will be doing hiking as it can get very dusty and the sandstorms can happen often, camera and accessories, walking shoes
Do: Enjoy plenty of good food, take the Tramway at least once, Be careful when driving at night, Be friendly, Plan to drive between places most of the time, Research the area of the hotel you wish to stay in, Respect the locals, Tip for good service
Don’t: Drink and drive, Litter, Touch the wildlife, Put yourself in danger for a selfie
Transportation: Rental cars, Taxis, Lyft, Uber,
Sandia Peak Looking Over Albuquerque