Spectacular South Dakota
South Dakota is a bit off of the beaten path for most tourists. Located in the Midwestern region of the United States, South Dakota has been a state since 1889. It is named for the Native American tribes: The Lakota and Dakota Sioux. I typically tell everyone that even the United States is so different in looks from state to state, and the changes are a big range from East to West, North to South. This is true for every country that I have been to as well. The “feel” of the places change, as does the scenery. To really experience any country, you have to visit at least one place in all four directions of the compass.
While Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse are two of the most famous reasons to visit South Dakota, if you like forest-y areas, Mount Rushmore is a great state for you with The Black Hills offering a beautiful landscape. Mount Rushmore is a hike just to get up close to it. If you are looking at going but have some mobility restrictions, it is important to research your specific restriction along with Mount Rushmore’s accessibility. It isn’t a long hike but it is more than a quick walk if you want to get closer to it. It also consists of terrain changes as you make your way into the mountain area. You can find a mini-museum with information about Mount Rushmore’s beginnings on the trail though, as well as get some better photos. They do not allow pets on the trail either, nor in the park. The Badlands National Park is also worth checking out. Although I have not been since I was a child, I remember visiting it. It is certainly a spectacle in itself to behold. I have not been to the Wind Cave National Park but I certainly want to go. I am very drawn to outdoor spaces as I get older.
Crazy Horse’s cost is dependent on amount of vehicle passengers and that does get you parking, admission to the museum, and lets you on the trail to the carving that is not quite done. They do allow dogs but please make sure you follow and respect their rules. When visiting Mount Rushmore, it is fair to visit Crazy Horse as he was the Oglala Lakota leader who fought for the Lakota against the encroaching white American settlers, to preserve their way of life.
Both Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore are important carvings of America’s history, while being works of art. Humans in the South Dakota area date back to somewhere between 500-800 AD in South Dakota. The Wounded Knee Massacre happened on December 29, 1890. It is said it was the last conflict between the Lakota Sioux Nation and the United States. 146 Sioux were killed, many of which were women and children. 31 U.S. soldiers were killed in the battle. South Dakota has had a bloody and tragic history like much of the United States. As you walk between the tall trees in the forests now, it is quiet and almost peaceful. It is important to reflect on those that came before us and decide how you will let their path shape you as an individual. South Dakota is nothing short of unique scenery that is worth a few extra hours out of your itinerary. From our home in Colorado, Rapid City is only about a 6-hour drive. I will be going back at some point because as always, I did not get to do everything I wanted to accomplish on my last visit. I recommend going. It is humbling and a bit overwhelming to think of what people have been through and what people poured into their work for the world to see.
As you make your way into South Dakota from Wyoming, and into Rapid City, billboards line the roads with conservative messages. Whether you are a conservative, a liberal, or someone in between, I feel like South Dakota has a history that we all should respect. I am not writing this piece to speak out against white people, nor am I pushing any agenda. I do believe we have a responsibility as a human race to not only acknowledge, but also grow from our past. We do not have to pay for the sins of our ancestors, but we must not repeat those sins, nor defend the sins of our ancestors. I have been in enough conflict to know that there are three sides to every story: both sides, and then the truth. South Dakota is not unlike other states in the United States. All were fought for in some way, between people. This is true most places around the world. At some point there was a battle for independence, and for ownership of that land. South Dakota is certainly more than its history, although history is a major part of tourism there. The landscape alone is why I call this blog “Spectacular South Dakota.” It is made of many spectacles all over the state that make South Dakota an underrated state that would be sure to deliver beautiful pictures for you year-round.
Packing List: It is important to bring a jacket (size depending on season), Good walking/hiking shoes as the trail is on the easier side, but still a bit of a trek and experiences some terrain changes, Type A or B outlet adapter if outside of North America, USD or major credit cards, Cameras and accessories, Sunscreen
Do: Visit both Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore, Plan for lots of walking, Drink lots of water, Follow rules if traveling with a pet, Follow rules around the parks, Respect the wildlife, Wear sunscreen
Don’t: Litter, Be loud, Try to climb on things to get pictures, Be disrespectful of cultures,
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore
Angles of Mount Rushmore
Rapid City Sunset through the thick smoke
Sunrise through the smoke
Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse and Jax in the back
Traveling with 3 dogs and 3 humans makes for a full car
What our car looked like for most of the drive