Traveling During a Pandemic
I wrote a similar blog at the start of this pandemic. However, I have now traveled for a necessary reason a couple different ways during the pandemic after having survived Covid-19. This blog is specifically to discuss changes to travel since the pandemic hit. Some changes may be temporary, some may be permanent. Time will tell. I do not condone nor condemn travel at this time. If you are still capable of staying home, I advise doing so to protect others in case you are a carrier and unaware because you are asymptomatic. Also, I do not recommend contracting this virus if there is anything you can do to avoid it. It may hit everyone differently but severity ranges from hardly any symptoms, to death from what we know. This blog is specifically just to document the changes I have witnessed.
If you have to fly, airports and airlines are requiring a facemask at all times. Refusing to comply on a plane, will result in being booted from the plane. Do not be a reason that a plane detours its course, nor delays people from getting where they are going. Just comply, wear a face mask for the safety of all, and put your selfishness aside during this time. Some airports practice better social distancing than others. Markers line the floors at all airports with how far apart you should be from the person ahead of you. Not everyone abides by these markers, and enforcers don’t seem to keeping up on making sure everyone stays 6’ apart.
The time where people weren’t flying in all of this was short-lived. The airport isn’t as bustling as it once was, but it is back to busy enough to get there two hours early and it is difficult to keep enough distance between you and others. People are crowding others again and pushing their way to get through security, get their bags, and deboard the plane. Extra caution on your part should be exercised if you are working on avoiding getting infected.
Many airlines have discontinued service of drinks and food and begun handing out canned water and a bag of snacks on short flights. They wipe down seats and trays, but feel free to bring your own wipes and wipe it down if that makes you more comfortable.
Should you choose to road trip you have a couple options. I have done this as well - again for a situation that was crucial. You have an option of renting a vehicle from open and available rental companies, rent an RV, or you may drive your own car. Wiping a car rental down with extra sanitizer is not a bad practice to get in the habit of.
Car rental companies do not appear to have slowed down in business. Lining up outside the building and limited contact with the agents is part of the new norm as they escort you to your vehicle with a tablet and do everything outside. Minor changes in this process, but changes nonetheless.
However you choose to travel during this time, if you need to, it is possible to travel safely. Getting through the changes may be a minor inconvenience for some, but it is necessary to keep others healthy.
Travel Safely and smartly!
Don’t plan international travel unless you have a work trip or it is deemed necessary. Many countries are not allowing international travel - especially to people from the United States
Personally, I increased handwashing to 30-40 seconds from 20 when traveling in public places that see people from all over
Bring antibacterial wipes to wipe things down
Build your immune system with boosters for weeks before traveling, as much as possible during travel, and after
Wearing masks in public is pretty mandatory in many places
Expect wherever you go to not get to sightsee and do not expect to be able to eat at restaurants. Some places are beginning to allow it around the country but not many
Many places did not survive the shutdowns, so vacant businesses is common right now
Make sure you clean up after yourself. Dispose of your own trash and don’t ask or expect anyone to do it for you. Do not throw masks or gloves around on the ground and if you have kids, clean up after them too.
Bring lots of sanitizer for time in between washing your hands
Be extra patient with everyone during this time. Being rude and demanding will not get anyone anywhere any faster
Remember we are all in this together and we all are going through the same rule changes but everyone has a different personal story. Try not to judge either way if you can help it.
Practice distance from others. Standing right by someone you don’t know is unnecessary and won’t gain you anything in the long run.
If you happen to feel off, sick, or display any symptoms at all, please just stay home for everyone’s sake.
Study areas you will be traveling through ahead of time for gas stations, hospitals/doctors, etc.
Study rules of areas you’ll be traveling through. Call hotels ahead of time to find out about policies during the pandemic and make sure they’re open. Some hotels don’t have maid service or lobby service during this time. Find out what options you’ll have beforehand.
Still busy
Some obey the distancing - others did not
Around the country, many airport shops closed and some have yet to open
Markers line the floors before you board. Southwest changed its boarding to only letting small groups line up at a time pre-boarding
A sea of masks and PPE in the airport
Your phone notifies you if it sees you at the airport
Many airlines capped tickets to keep middle seats open unless a family travels together. One flight I was on was pretty open. Another flight was full minus the middle seat cap.
Crowds lined up to de-board
Crowds to grab luggage
Security looked similar in many airports. Markers on the floor to keep people 6 feet apart
Quiet airports but often they got busier throughout the day
Face masks required in some states, but not others.